Rummage through my stuff

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Number 1 part 2 Majora's Mask

Well after the epic that was Ocarina of Time and also my after my epic
review of Ocarina of Time we get a direct sequel to both the game and the review. Now I mean sequel to the review because I am going to adapt many things that I did in the last review for this one. Its going to be as detailed as I can make it and the Dungeon format will remain the same item cool moment boss. I am also going to go into on a lot of things but most importantly the Masks. Yes masks the one little side quest that I didn't even mention in the last game is one of the main focuses in this one and you know what I think thats awesome. This game also has transformational masks as well which can turn you into a Deku Scrub, Goron, a Zora, and to other things that I won't mention until I get there. Now a lot of the praise I gave to Ocarina of Time I also give to this the story is rather dark but awesome, the game play is simple and adds to it with the transformations, and the music is once again great. Also this game introduces us to a new main villain who is my second favorite Legend of Zelda villain (Ganondorf being number one of course) who I actually think doesn't get the recognition he deserves. He was cool complex and powerful. He wasn't the type who wants power to take over the world he was just there to cause chaos and thats something I can get behind. He was going to destroy the world and didn't care that it would kill him. The thing about him was the villain was a mask that happened to be attached to a Skull Kid and he used the body like a puppet. So lets get into this epic game with some the story.

Now this game takes place right after Ocarina of Time (following the young link time line). Link is trying to find a missing friend (Navi) and has left Hyrule (or at least what we know of as Hyrule). Link is riding Epona (both are as they were when they were young) through a dense forest when we first met our villain the Skull Kid. He and his two fairies Tatl and Tael (hahaha do you get it). He wants to see if you have anything of value so Tattle and Tale go and scare Epona which causes her to jump knocking Link to the ground hitting his head he passes out. Then we see the Skull Kid (Skull Kids look kind of like living scare crows) rummaging through links stuff. He takes your Ocarina (which is the Ocarina of Time) and is playing with it when Link comes to. He attacks the Skull Kid who takes off on Epona leaving you dragging behind them before you lose your grip. This leaves you stranded in an unfamiliar place however you are able to track the Skull Kid into a cave which is probably a mistake. You end up falling down a very large hole (which is trippy because there are colorful out lines of faces and items as you fall.) When you land you will be sitting on top of a Deku Flower and the Skull Kid will be floating in front of you with the two fairies in a spot light that looks like a reversed Triforce (with a triangle in the center and three triangles pointing the opposite of the Triforce). Now the Skull Kid will talk to you insulting you in the process. The Skull Kid will use the power of the mask he is wearing (Majora's Mask) to turn Link into a Deku Scrub and then he takes off and a large door seals behind him. Tatl is left behind because she was picking on you when the door sealed.

Now I am going to do my new segment in the review called "Look at shiny new body" where I will look at the the newest transformation that Link undergoes throughout the game. So lets talk about the Deku Scrub Link. Now this is the weakest of the Transformation. If you don't remember the Deku Scrub it is the plant enemy that will shoot nuts at you that you have to reflect with you shield. Now Deku Link has the ability to go inside Deku Flowers and then shoot out hovering for a while. When you get the item Deku Nuts you will will be able to drop them on enemies like bombs in the air. Then when you get the magic ability you will be able to shoot a lage bubbles (Yes bubbles are lame but they get good range). You attack makes you spin around hitting things around you. Also Deku Link has the second best ability when it comes to water. He can't swim but he is light enough to hop on the water surface. Finally he is weak against fire which will kill him instantly. So that is the Deku Scrub form of Link you will only use him if you have no other choice.

So back to our program already in progress back to the story. Tatl is upset by the fact that she is separated from her brother Tael and the Skull Kid and she blames you for this (for some reason). So you have to find the Skull Kid, Epon, and the Ocarina however you have no idea where you are. After you cross some cliffs using the Deku Flowers you and Tatl will end up inside a strange basement like area. You will climb up some steps and you will find that you are not alone as the Happy Mask Man (he ran the Mask Shot in Hyrule Castle Town). He knows right away that this is not your true body and that the magic that did this to you was done by Majora's Mask which was stolen from him earlier. He says that he can help you but you will need to get him the item that was stolen from you. He will also ask for you to return his mask that was stolen. Now a there is something cool about the Mask Man. He carries a bag that is covered in masks including Elvis, Bowser, and Mario masks. Now you will leave the building which you will see is a clock tower and you are in Clock Town. The citizens are busy getting ready for the Festival of Time which will take place at midnight on the third day. You will have plenty of time before you can get back to being Link so here are some things to do to pass the time. You should go to North Clock Town and find a boy who is shooting a blow gun at a balloon with Majors Mask on it. Use the your bubble to pop that balloon when the kid who is shooting at it he will ask if you did that. Now he will let you play a game of hide and seek with his gang of other young boys. Now when you find them they will give you the code that allows you to enter their hide out. When you get through the hideout you will end up at an observatory. The kindly old man who runs it (also one of the men in Hyrule Castle Town/Kakariko Village). He will let you take a look through his Telescope. If you point it at the clock tower you will see the Skull Kid on there (sometimes he might be smacking his butt). He will look up at the moon and you will see it with a very evil face then something will fall from its eyes (this item isn't really important unless you want to do a side quest.) Now you have to get up to the top of the clock tower which I won't lie is boring. You have to wait till midnight on the third day before the doors will open. However once you do you get up there you will see the Skull Kid floating above the clock face (it moved so the face of the clock instead of pointing out points up so it can be used as a platform and alter for the people to worship the gods. Now you will notice that the Moon is very close and scary looking. Teal is there and shouts out a warning about going to the Swamp, Mountains, Sea, and Stone bringing the ones who are there to bring them here but for this Teal gets smacked by Skull Kid which enrages Tatl. You see the Skull Kid holding the Ocarina of Time you need to knock it out of his hand. So use the bubble and shoot it at the Skull Kid who drops the Ocarina. Grab it and a memory of Princess Zelda floods into his head making him remember the Song of Time. Playing this song will send you back to the dawn of the first day. However from what has happened Link learns that the Skull Kid is going to make the Moon collide with the world in three days colliding with Clock Town right before the festival. You also realize that this is no longer Hyrule but many of the people look the same as the people in Hyrule but this new land is called Terminia. You have to go back and see the Mask Man and he will play the Song of Healing which will capture the spirit of the Deku Scrub into a mask (he will then teach it to you.)

Now you are Link again yay isn't it fun. You will have your Kokiri Sword and Hylian Shield (which you can use now some how). Link works the same as he did in Ocarina of Time so nothing to really talk about. Now this game actually has more of a time mechanic then it does in Ocarina of Time. The Song of Time is actually three songs. The Song of Time will send you back to the dawn of the first game. However it will instantly deplete your Rupees and any ammo you have. Then there is the Inverted Song of Time which as it suggests is the song of time played backwards. This will slow down the passage of time. Then last but not least the Song of Double Overtime. Which is when you play each note of the Song of Time twice and will skip to the night of the current day or the dawn of the next.

So lets look around again you can do the hide and seek game again and this time you will get the code and be allowed to join there gang called the Bombers. Now look around the town to see some familiar faces. However to get on to the actual story besides this looking around we have to stop the Skull Kid and you need to go to Woodfall Swamp.

Now you will meet some interesting characters but none more so then Tingle. Tingle is a map maker who floats around in a balloon (well more attached to a balloon.) However Tingle is strange he is 34 (give or take) years old dresses in all green and is obsessed with fairies. You will also meet his father a big fellow you runs a camera shop and information center. Here you will be given a camera to enter a picture contest. Now lets head to the Deku Palace where you will meet the King (you have to be Deku Link to get in.) He is holding a Monkey prisoner for kidnaping his daughter. Now you will have to sneak back in to the Monkeys cage because he was saying something about the temple. You talk to him and he will teach you a song that will let you get into Woodfall Temple called the Sonata of Awakening. So lets head to the temple while on the way you will learn the Song of Soaring (this games warp song). This will let you fly any where you have already been instantly.

Ok so now we reach Woodfall Temple and you will have to play the Sonata of Awakening to open the temple doors. Now lets go with the item, cool moment, and the Boss. So this temple is meant to be played through as Deku Link. So the item you get is the Hero's Bow. Which is the bow and arrow nothing special. So on to the cool moment and I am going to have to say its hopping on a poisonous pond and having to use fly traps as platforms. Also there enemies which were fun they are turtles that you will have to get into Deku Flowers to get underneath of them and the pop up under them. Now I really don't like this temple but thats just my opinion.

So onto the boss the giant masked tribal warrior Odolwa. This guy is huge and hard to fight (none of the bosses are really easy). Now you will need to use the Arrows to shoot him while he is dancing and the slash at him using your sword. He has the ability to summon insects using his dance and also he has a sword and shield with great reach. Now if you beat Odolwa you will receive his mask and then a hart container and be warped to a lower chamber where you will find the Deku Princess (who the Monkey has been wrongly accused of kidnaping.) She gets angry with her father and demands you to take her home with what ever you have to transport her (the result is very funny you put her in a bottle I will give you some time to let that sink in.) Now The poisoned water of the swamp has been purified letting you swim in it. Once you get her home pour her out in front of the King and she will attack him making him release the monkey. Now the Butler will want to have a word with you and will take you back to a maze. Now once you get to the end of the maze he will tell you that you reminded you of his son who passed away. He will give you a mask called the Mask of Scents.

Now lets play Rate That Mask. Ok the Mask of Scents looks like a pigs head with big nose on it. This will sniff out strange smells. It will also show the stench as a purple gas. So to rank the mask I would give it a 2 out of 10. Its not very useful with only one piratical use helping two potion shop owners (Koume and Kotake from Ocarina of Time) find mushrooms for there potions. This will give you one free potion. The only reason this doesn't just get a 1 out of 10 is because it is good for a couple jokes. With a scent coming from an outhouse and also a pair of underwear laying on a bed. So thats the Mask of Scents in a nutshell.

So you have just completed the first temple which will lead you to meeting a giant who will teach you the Oath to Order. This song will summon any of the freed Giants to the Clock Tower. Now lets head back to castle town and go to the bank (and also get some masks). Now save your rupees in the bank and you can play the song of time but you don't have to. However lets go get some masks there are three masks you can get at this point the Blast Mask, the Bremen Mask, and Kamaro's Mask. Now to get the Blast Mask you will have to stop a midnight robbery of an old woman who works in the bomb shop. At midnight a the old lady is walking into town when a prancing thief comes out and steals her bag and tries to get away. Slash at him and he will drop the bag but he will escape. However the Woman will give you the Blast Mask as a reward.

Now to Rate This Mask I give the blast mask a 6 out of 10. Its a good mask basically you are wearing a bomb on you face that you can detonate at will. Now that sounds dangerous and it is but if you hold your shield out you will not get hurt. This is effective for opening hidden doors busting boulders and other things when you don't have any bombs (or if you don't want to use them.)

So now about the Bremen Mask which is an animal leaders mask. You will get it after talking to Guru-Guru at night. He will tell you a story about how he used to work in an animal troop. Now however he is human the leader of the troop was a dog. He wondered how the dog got such obedience. He discovered it was this mask he was waring which looks like an eagles face with feathers.

Now to Rate the Mask I would give it a 7 out of 10. This mask is entertaining and it will also get you the best non transformational mask in the game. If you ware the mask and press A you will start marching around and animals will fall in line. The marching tune is catchy and fun and it looks funny watching Link march around. Now when you get into Romani Ranch you will be able to use the Bremen Mask to lead some chicks around which will somehow make them grow into Cuccos (chickens) this will make the very sad man sitting by a tree happier and he will give you the Bunny Hood (the best non transformational mask in the game.)

Now lets talk about the Kamaro's Mask I would give this mask a 6 out of 10 because it is entertaining and It can give you a heart piece. Now this mask will make you dance in an interesting way. Now the dance is fun to watch and the music is cool. At night you can preform for the dancing twin sisters (who I think wear there PJ's all the time) they will love your dance and decide to use it for the carnival. The will call you there master and they will give you a heart piece.

Ok now lets get ready to go to the Mountains and Snowhead Temple. Now to get on our way we will need to use the arrows to shoot down some ice that will break other things of ice below it. So get going to the snow covered land. Watch out for white boes who will blend into the snow and attack you. You will end up at the Goron Village which is completely covered in snow. You will run into a some what familiar Owl who will help you across a cliff to a cave which will reunite you with a familiar item the Lense of Truth. This works the exact same way as it did in the last game. Now you will use it to see a ghost of a Goron. He will be surprised that you can see him and will lead you to his grave. Once there you will play the Song of Healing which will set his spirit at rest turning him into a mask.

So lets once more look at My Shiny New Body as you become Goron Link. Now Goron Link is very strong able to pick up and smash boulders. His special move is rolling around in a curled up form. After rolling for awhile you will start to charge up and use magic which will cause you to spout spikes. This makes you fast as well as lethal but also hard to control. Now the advantage of Goron Link is that he is unable to be harmed by fire but water will cause him to sink and drown because he is to heavy to swim. So this is the strongest transformation but does not have any ranged attacks and can not swim. So thats Goron Link in a nut shell.

Ok now lets go to Snowhead Temple where but first you will need and unthaw the Goron Elder who between him and his kid will teach you the Goron Lullaby. Use this song to put the giant Goron who is blowing a typhoon force wind at you making it impossible to get to the temple asleep. So now you will have to go to the Temple making your way past enemies and rolling snow boulders coming at you

Now Snowhead Temple is a big place with an ice theme. Now for item moment boss game so lets go. Your Item is the Fire Arrow (does the same thing as before) the Fire Arrow will melt ice blocks as well as defeating ice based enemies melting them right away. So then for cool moments there are many ramps that you can launch yourself off of and braking blocks. However the best moment in this level is the boss Goht. He is so much fun to fight you have to melt the ice that holds him. Now become Goron Link and Goht who looks like a bull will start running around the track. You will have to roll into a ball and chase him spiking him in the legs. Its a very simple fight but so much fun to do and one you will do over and over again. So thats the end of Goht you will get the mask and then a heart container. Before seeing the Giant Guardian being free.

Now when you beat Snowhead Temple the Goron village and the general area will thaw out. This will open the way to the race track for the Gorons which is a fun mini game but that is all it is. However it will get you the ability to use Powder Kegs which are massive explosives. This will allow you to open up the path to Romani Ranch. Now you can use the Bremen Mask to get the bunny hood.

So lets rate the mask I give it 10 out of 10. Best non transformation mask in the game. It does only one thing and gives you super speed. In a place where your major transportation is walking running at super speed is great. It works very will with jumping and everything. I love the Bunny Hood (even though it looks stupid) it was a great enough mask to become an Item in Super Smash Brothers Melee and Brawl and it is good.

Ok now you have the ability to buy Powder Kegs now save your rupees at the bank and play the song of time. Once you go back to the first day get enough money to buy a powder keg from the bomb shop. The warp to Milk Road where you will then set and detonate a powder keg destroying the large boulder. Now go talk to Romani (young Malon) and she will ask you help against the aliens (yes I said aliens trust me its not pointless). Now at the night of the first day you will have be at the ranch. You will see a bright light and then aliens will invade you have to fight them off with your arrows (one hit kills) but they will keep coming until the sun comes up. Now if you don't help her she will be abducted by the aliens getting her mind erased. Now if you succeed then you will be asked to help her older sister Cremia (older Malon) will ask you to help her deliver milk. Now you will have to defend the milk from hooded bandits who do not want you to make the delivery. Now if you make it safely then Cremia will reward you with the Romani's Mask which will get you into the Milk Bar in Castle Town thats it not much to mention about it (3 out of 10) then this mask will lead to the Circus Leaders Mask which constantly crying. You get this from the depressed Circus Leader (Ingo). His mask gets a 3 out of 10 because it will stop the bandits who will attack the milk cart because it will depress them (the mask is of their brother (also looks like Ingo). Also at the ranch you will find Epona when you learn Epona's song you will be able to ride her (No not like that you sickos).

So now it is time to go to the beach and visit Termina's Great Bay. When you get there you will notice someone floating lifelessly in the water. So as the heroic selfless person you are you rush in and try to save him. You find out it is a Zora who is very exhausted and has been under attack by a pack of seagulls and is close to death. When you get him to the beach he will want to play his final song which will tell his story. Saying he is Mikau the guitarist for the Indigo-Gos. He says he was on a mission to save the eggs of the lead singer of the Zora band Lulu (who looks like Ruto). Her eggs have been stolen by Gerudo Pirates and has lost her voice because of it. Mikau requests that you lay him to rest and put his spirit at rest. You play the song of healing which will turn him into a mask.

The Zora Mask is great it is fast has moderate strength great projectile as well as a magic using force field. Zora Link maneuvers easily through water (Duh fish person). While under there holding R will activate his magic shield that destroys or stuns what attacks you. You can somehow use your arm fins as boomerangs. So that is the basics of Zora Link he is the best transformation yet.

So first we need go get Lulu's eggs from the Pirates. Now this is made easier if you found Shiro and gave him a red potion he will give you the mask. Now this one is really only used once but it is so helpful. It makes you invisible helping you sneak around the Pirates Base undetected. So I will give this mask an 8 out of 10 besides this it also gives you some funny parts tricking people. So use the stone mask to get through the Gerudo Base. You will find the Hookshot here as well which will help get the eggs. So after you get the eggs take them to an aquarium where the scientist will help them hatch. The eggs hatch and teach you a song called the New Wave Balsa Nova. Play this song for Lulu and she will get her voice back and also wake up a giant turtle. (In Super Smash Bros Melee Termina Great Bay is a playable stage compleat with turtle island Tingle and evil moon). Use the hookshot to attach to the palm trees on the turtles back and he will take you to the water temple.

Now this is actually called the Great Bay Temple but it is still a water temple. Believe it or not I like this one its fun creative and works really well with Zora Link. So the item in the Temple are the Ice Arrows. These Items lead into a cool concept by freezing Chu-Chus into ice blocks you can push around and climb on top of. However what is a very cool is altering the direction of the water flow which sounds small but its how you get from place to place.

This finally leads us to the boss. Remember in Ocarina of Times Water Temple how I hated the temple itself but I enjoyed the boss. Well this place is the opposite I really like the Temple but I hate Gryorg the boss here. Gryorg is a giant masked fish which sounds very straight forward but it is hard. Or maybe I am just to stupid to figure it out. This boss fight is just to hard. Gryorg will ram into the platform which can knock you into the water where he will try to eat you and take out a chunk of your life. It will also spawn out little fish that will swarm and attack you. The only way you can attack Gryorg is to either shoot him with arrows or the boomarang fins. You might have to do it under water. Hopefully you can beat Gryorg and get the heart container and free the Giant you will be allowed to play with the Zora band the Indago-Gos which isn't much but its better then what you get with beating Water Temple in Ocarina of Time at least something happens.

So its time to head to the Stone Tower Temple in Ikana Canyon. There is a long and some what emotional rode to get there which will take you from a destroyed castle, to a Gibdo infested well, and a haunted cave. Ikana Canyon is just awesome. The first thing you will find is a bunch of Gibdos (A mummy) which if you shoot one with a fire arrow the bandages will burn off revealing that Gibdos are actually ReDeads. Well anyway the Gibdos are walking around a music box house demanding that the people in the house come out. (ok you don't know that yet (until you get the Gibdo mask. Which you get inside the house.) Now the only way to get inside the house is to get rid of the Gibdos but it would be suicide to just go in and attack them. What you need to do is go to the cave that is haunted. Once there one of the composer brothers ghosts (I don't remember which one) will appear and he will tell you that Ikana is a place for the dead. He will ask if you wish to join the dead and will start to compose a song that will slowly kill you. Now you will have to play the Song of Storms which I did not talk about in this review but I am going to add this quote from when you learn it "You who do not fear the dead, learn well the song that is inscribed behind me... And if you ever meet my brother, I'd like you to inform him... The thousand years of raindrops summoned by my song are my tears. The thunder that strikes the earth is my anger!" — Flat.) Now this will touch Sharp's dead heart making him release the curse. The rain starts to fall and the river will rise causing the water wheel to turn causing the music box to play killing the Gibdos.

Now that some life has returned to Ikana Canyon and the door the music house unlocks. Go out and you will find a little girl looking around to see if the coast is clear. Now you will have to sneak into the house with out her seeing you. Once inside go into the basement and you will hear some strange sounds coming from a cabinet. As you get closer a partially mummified man will come out walking towards you. Play the song of healing and the mans illness will become the Gibdo mask and he will be healed. The little girl who is his daughter and the man will hug holding each other closely. It is obvious how much love the two of them have for each other. How the daughter risked her life to protect her dad.

Now the Gibdo mask is an amazing thing that I will rank a 9 out of 10. It will prevent Gibdos and ReDeads from attacking you. It will let you talk to the Gibdos which is needed to get past the well where you will have to get Gibdo's random items. It will also cause some ReDeads and Gibdos to dance and that is just funny. This is made even funnier if you set them on fire.

Now this will lead to the castle of Ikana which is a cool place. It is a massive castle that is in ruins. Now the item you get is the Mirror Shield which works the same way as it did in Ocarina of Time. How ever the cool moment and the boss fight run together. Fighting the Ikana Skull Knights and then the King of Ikana is a lot of fun. You have to burn the blinds with the fire arrows to reveal the light that you will then have to reflect at the guards and the King. Once you beat the knights you will have to fight the King who is tough. You will have to follow the same reflect the light but you will also have to watch out because he will send his ghost head flying and attacking you. After you beat them you will get a humorous moment when the spirits of the guards argue about who screwed up causing this outcome. Now the King isn't that upset he will teach you the Elegy of Emptiness which leaves a kind of creepy statue of each of your transformations. You will need to use this to keep switches down which will help you get into Stone Tower Temple.

Now Stone Tower Temple is cool it really is with hard mini bosses and an epic boss battle. Now the item is the Light Arrows yea its nothing great it is kind of lame that all the Temple items were all magic arrows but this does some cool things here. Now for the cool moments the mini boss is awesome. Gomess is a bat covered scythe wielding grim reaper looking phantom. He uses the bats to cover his weak spot and also to attack Link. So yes Gomess is awesome a hard fight that is still fun. Ok there is one other cool moment and that is inverting the tower using the light arrows. This turns the tower upside down also while the temple is upside down you can get the Giants Mask.

This is an awesome transformational mask that does only work in one place and needs magic to use. However the Giants mask gives you the ability to grow super mega large. Which brings us to the Boss fight with Twin Mold. Twin Mold is two giant worms that will tunnel through the desert demission. (There are theories on Zeldawiki saying that Majora's Mask may have came out of the dimension that holds Twin Mold. So nothing proven but something interesting to think about. I do think a game using Majora as a main villain for a game as the creature the mask is made after.) Now to fight Twin Mold put on the Giants Mask and make my hero GROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lol Retia Repulsa your cool.) So now you and Twin Mold are the same size and you will have to attack its head and tail to kill it. So after awhile Twin Mold will die and you will get the heart container and free the giant.

Now you have all four giants and all the masks (now i will go through all of the masks later but for now lets say you do.) It is time to face the Skull Kid. So go back to the clock tower and go to the night of the third day and make sure you have plenty of magic. Now as soon as the clock strikes Midnight just go up the steps and confront the Skull Kid. Then you have to play the Oath to Order which will have the Giants come and try to stop the moon from falling. However this will not stop as Major's Mask revivals that it is the one in control and the skull kid is no more then a puppet. Now he will go inside the moon and you will have to follow. You will end up in a rich meadow with green grass and a big tree with kids playing and running round. Each of the kids are wearing one of the boss masks. They will want to play hide and seek with you if you give them masks. Now the one with Odolwa mask will have an maze like corse that will feature Deku Scrub plat-forming. Then there is one with Gohts mask who will hide in a place that has many maze like ramps that you will bounce off of. You will use Goron Link's Magic roll to bouncing off treasure chests in order to get to the kid. Go see the Gryorg Masked kid and you will have to swim through many tunnels with a very fast current pushing you faster. So after you find him you will give him more masks and then go see Twin Mold masked kid who will put you through many fighting based challenges. So now you should only have the three transformational masks left.

Go talk to the kid that is wearing Majora's Mask who will give you a special mask called the Fierce Deity's Mask. This mask is SUPER SPECIAL AWESOMENESS ON A SUPER MAGIC MEGA AWESOME BURGER WITH AMAZINGNESS FRENCH FIRES!!!!!!!!!!!! ok well now I am just saying its cool. On the mask scale of 1 to 10 it gets an infinity. Ok ok I might be going a little over board but it is amazing. This Mask turns you into a powerful god. (the Japanese version of the name translates to "the devil god") Now this guy is power full that you can only use him during boss fights. (Now I would recommend not using this mask the first time you you play the game.) All I can remember from fighting Majora the first time you should use the Zora mask but I can't remember how to do it. However I am going to talk about the Fierce Deity's Mask. Which will make this battle very easy but Majora's Mask isn't much but his other two incarnations are awesome. Majora's Incarnation is a fun villain that runs around like a hyper child. Then Majora's Wrath which is a nasty looking creature that has whips for hands and isn't he awesome. So you have just beaten the game and have returned Majora's Mask to the happy mask man and the game is over.
So lets look at the masks in this game.

1. Post Mans Hat: This mask lets you check the post boxes finding money and a heart piece but it is a really pointless mask so 1 out of 10

2. All Night Mask: Lets you stay up all night while listening to stories. Now this seems pointless but you can get two rewards for listening to stories and the stories are pretty good so 4 out of 10

3. Blast Mask: I already talked about this

4. Stone Mask: did this already

5. Great Fairy Mask: makes fairies come to it. So about 3 out of 10

6. Keaton Mask: This lets you see magic Keaton Foxes who will quiz you about the game. So 4 out of 10

7. Bremen Mask: Done already

8. Bunny Hood: Did and loved it

9. Dongoro Mask: Can lead the frog quire 1 out of 10

10. Mask of Scents: Did that one already

11. Romani Mask: pineapples

12. Circus Leaders Mask: It cries but you know that

13. Kafie's Mask: This lets you play crime fighter and find a missing person. so 7 out of 10

14. Couples Mask: Is jusr a mask 1 out of 10

15. Mask of Truth: Will let you hear the truth from the gossip stones and animals so 3 out of 10

16. Kamaro's Mask: is what I talked about already

17. Gibdo Mask: Told you about it

18: Garo Mask: Lets you fight phantom ninjas and its cool so 8 out of 10

19: Captains Mask: Will make the Stalchild obey you

20: Giants Mask: Talked about it move on.

So that is Majora's Mask its awesome. It has a dark and complex story that actually let you watch the end of the world take place (Bombs $10. Arrows $20. Watching the moon crash into Clock Town destroying all life PRICELESS.) So yea its freaking epic. The masks are cool some are pointless but if you want to be come a Devil God then you better have them all. One cool thing about the game is that all of the bosses are re-playable allowing you to race Goht over and over again and trust me you will. The temples are fun and creative using the special abilities of you different forms to the fullest. The transformations are cool and kind of creepy as they clearly cause Link pain when he goes through them. The different forms are creatively made and capture the essence of the race you turn into quite well. Majora's Mask as a villain is awesome. Not wanting to take over the world but to just cause chaos and death. The many characters have more depth then in the last game even having real problems. There is depression, death, love, thieves, and magic. There is a mask side quest where you will reunite to lost lovers. With the stone mask quest you will heal a dying Shiro. with the Captains Mask you can talk to dead warriors. You can heal the heart of a drunk at the bar (ok its a milk bar because its an E game but the guy seems drunk). You can reunite a father and daughter and just watch there love shine through. You will lay Mikau to rest by not only playing the song but by digging his grave and then marking it with his Guitar after inscribing it as his head stone. All of this as a ten year old boy. In the end of the game after saving everyone and the festival starts Link and Epona just walk off its a sad ending after everything you have done the only person who thanks you is the Mask Man and the Skull Kid. (I believe the Mask Man is the exact same guy as the one in Ocarina of Time seeing as he seems to have the ability to go from demission to demission since he just vanishes.) So over all Majora's Mask as a game gets an A+ and so does Ocarina of Time. I would like to see a game that involves the Deity or being that is Majora himself or more story on him and his mask but thats just wishful thinking.

So with this my Top Ten List is Done. Later I will do some honorable mentions games that didn't make the list because I did not have room for them. First however I have a comic to write.

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