Rummage through my stuff

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Thoughts on: Myotismon.

Ok this is another geek post about digimon from the first and second season. Myotismon is a vampire like digimon who feasts on the deleted data of defeated digimon (So many D words someone say it five times fast.) He is also one of the few digimon to get into the real world or at least one of the first. While in the real world he also got the taste for human blood. He is dressed like a classic vampire very fancy gentlemen like appearance swapping out the black with a purple but still looks fancy. He was just main villain in the first season of Digimon Adventure but he was the main villain in Digimon Adventure 02. So lets enter the darkness as we look at Myotismon.

Myotismon is the third boss in Digimon Adventure after beating Etimon in Server. Myotismon was the most powerful digimon the team has ever faced at the time and would easily beat the Digidestined even with the Digimon being able to digivolve into there ultimate level. Myotismon has many minions including DemiDevimon and Gatomon and origional enter the real world in search of the 8th digidestined so he may destroy them making the digidestined unable to beat him (he found a prophecy that said the 8th digidestined would destroy him.) He had his minions looking all over for this person who turned out to be the little sister of Tia named Kari. It turns out the Gatomon a cat digimon is Kari's partner and they eventually join together. Gatomon was able to digivolve to Angewomon and with the help of the other Digimon all of them combining their powers and killing Myotismon. However he is not really dead and as foretold by the prophecy he was resurrected at the time of the beast (6 minutes and 6 seconds after 6pm).

Venommyotismon is Myotismon's mega form also called his true form. He is much more powerful then his previous form but is no where near as smart. He is consumed by hunger even feasting on his own minions. He is very quick to anger and all he wants to do is devourer all life. However it wasn't until Wargraymon drilled into his chest getting the true body allowing them to destroy him. However his spirit survived and infused itself into the human Yukio Oikawa and use him to set the events of Digimon Adventure 02 into motion three years later.
In Digimon Adventure 02 he was behind all of the events that happened in the series. He created Mummymon and Arukenimon out of his DNA/Data. Then lead Ken Ichijouji to become the Digimon Emperor who created the dark spires, rings, and spirals. He used these to control digimon and stop them from digivolving. The Spires were then used to create powerful Digimon by Arukenimon and Mummymon to bring about the end of the world. Myotismon used the human body to spread dark spores to children controlling them and holding them for ransom. Myotismon told Oikawa that the spores would weaken the digital world defenses when it was actually used to resurrect himself. After a while he opened a portal to an extension of the digital world which causes dreams to come true. He finally shows himself as Malomyotismon who easily over powered the Digidestined. Even after the digidestined's desire to win resulted in all of the digivolved forms of the digimon to come out at once attacking Malomyotismon however it still wasn't enough to destroy the monster. Sadly his destruction was rather lame not really fitting the character but he was defeated by the combined light of all of the Digidestineds digivices all over the world (revealing that there are many all over the world not just Japan where the series takes place.) This combined light broke the darkness that Malomyotismon had created and defeating him. This completely destroyed Myotismon and he isn't seen again in the show.

So I really like Myotismon despite the lame death but his sheer power was rather cool. He was an interesting villain as well as a character in general. It seems he had a lot more to do with the events of season one then it seemed. That is Myotismon in a nutshell he is not as interesting as Impmon and Beelzemon actually having character development. However he works well for an ultimate evil character. He was cool and rather fun as well as very cold. The whole invading the Real World knocking out all of the communication with the rest of the world and even capturing and holding the adults hostage even brainwashing them. He is a good embodiment of evil. Don't worry though all he wants to do is devour your soul.

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