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Thursday, August 19, 2010

My thoughts on: Freakazoid

I want to welcome everyone to the Freakalair as we talk about the man, the myth, and the legend known as Freakazoid. Now I love this show and this character he really shows what it might be like inside my brain. Freakazoid like my brain is a mess of nonsense and awesomeness. The jokes and creative characters made this show epic and from the same minds that brought use Tiny Toons and Animaniacs how can anyone be suprised the show is awesome. So lets get ready to get our freak on so with that I say FREAK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us start this tale the humble beginnings of teenager Dexter Douglas who was a nerd and a computer ace. One day he went surfing on the Internet and he was zapped into cyber space. He then turned into the Freakazoid who is strong and super quick he seems to drive the villains crazy because he is a lunatic. So does that make his origin crystal clear? No well thats ok its just part of the theme song. So here is the real origin which of course comes in the first episode right? WRONG YOU STUPID PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow I am sorry about that. No the origin is explained in episode six because that makes sense right??? Well silly billy goat in this show making sense is not very important. So in the Chip part 1 we find out about this flawed computer chip that is a special sequence is punched in ("@[=g3,8d]\&fbb=-q]/hk%fg" starting with the quotes and ending with hitting the delete key) will suck someone into the internet. I have tried and sadly it doesn't work I mean what could go wrong if I had super strength speed and all of the knowledge of the internet that can't end badly right? Any who Dexter Douglas is given this defective chip for Christmas and instantly installs it into his computer. When his cat walks on the key board typing the sequence. When Dexter sees this he presses delete and is zapamafacated into the internet. This turns him into Freakazoid with the ability to do basically what ever his twisted little mind thinks up. So Freakazoid is all the cats fault and it should feel bad and stuff. Also some behind the scenes origin Freakazoid was originally going to be designed by Bruce Timm the man behind Batman The Animated Series. He was going to base Freakazoid off of one of my favorite minor characters in his Batman cartoon named the Creeper. Even though I think that would have been awesome it would not have been the Freakazoid I know in love. However if a show was made around Timm's version of the Creeper I would be "Happier then a tornado in a trailer park" (Mikey Hodges). Ok it shouldn't because there are plenty of baddies for Freakazoid to beat up.

Now all good heroes need good villains and Freak has a lot of them. Yes I know this article is about Freakazoid but it is also the name of the show so I am going to talk about other people as well if you don't like it can continue to not like it. So lets start off with the villains and a short bio.

The Lobe: The lobe is a man like thing ok he is human but his head is a missive brain. Its not someone with a big head and a brain inside of it his brain is his head. He is super smart, has low self esteem, and a rather good singer. Sometimes he can be defeated by someone simply insulting him saying his plan is stupid even though it is brilliant.

Candle Jack: He is a rather cool character who is a ghost who will capture anyone who says his name. Candle Jack is actually rather well known despite the fact that he isn't in many episodes. In one episode "The Island of Dr. Mystico" Jack spends the whole episode scaring Freakazoid's butler the Professor.

Those are just the two of my favorite bad guys I also love Officer Mike Cossgrove of the police force. He is a really funny character with a monotone voice and a really stupid but effective catch phrase. He has to be one of the best cops on the force because all he has to do is tell a criminal to "Cut it out" and they will stop. Which they actually show on an episode with a cops parody. He is a great character brilliantly voiced as well as really really really really funny.

"Now I think its time for a word from our sponsors."

"Sorry typing man no sponsors here all we have his more magic words so READ THEM AND MAKE ME A SANDWICH!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Now back to our regular program"

So yes back to Freakazoid the guy who this article is about. He is completely crazy some people even say his brain has a chocolate molding. I think it is accurate I mean to run all the way to Tibet because a racking monk is making so much noise that it was driving him insane. Then running back there just to apologize. He prevented World War II from happening when he dressed up as a security gard and stopped all of the Japanese bombers from attacking Pearl Harbor by saying he is searching for fruits and torpedos and the planes retreat. Freakazoid has dealt with smart cave men, orangumen, Giant snakes, Aliens, ghosts, monsters, and even love. Facing each problem with courage and without getting distracted.....ok maybe a little distracted. Cosgrove keeps asking him to do something and he does it.

So with this I leave the story of our greatest hero Freakazoid. He is a blue skinned wacky man and I love him for it. His jokes and crossovers with Pinky and the Brain as well as Wakko Warner arguing about which show is Stephens favorite Freakazoid claiming he had a memo. So thats Freakazoid in a nut shell

Cosgrove: "Hey Andy"

Me: "Oh hey Cosgrove"

Cosgrove: "What you up to"

Me: "Just finishing this articel"

Cosgrove: "Want to get a snow cone"

Me: "DO I EVER ummmmmmmm bye peoples"

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