Rummage through my stuff

Friday, August 6, 2010

Honorable Mentions and games that I could not place: #1 X-men Legends.

X-men Legends is an X-Men RPG that lets you control a large number of team members like Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Storm, Gean Gray, Wolverine, Rouge, Colossus, Gambit, Beast, and Even Professor X himself. These are just a small number of the characters that you can play as. Now the story starts with a Alison Crestmire discovers her Mutant powers which caused volcanic like eruptions in New York City. This attracts the attention of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants as well as the X-Men. The Brotherhood want to capture her so they can use her to compleat their plans to make mutant kind aka Homo-superior the dominate race. So of course the X-Men have to stop them. However the first thing the Brotherhood needs after their failed attempt to capture Alison they need to break there mighty leader Magnito out of a prison ship.

I really don't want to talk to much about the story other then its a take over the world story and Magnito's plan is rather good. How ever I will tell you about some cool moments in this game. There is one when GURSO Solders are invading the sewers and attacking the Morlocks (mutants that live in the sewer because they don't looks like the "preties" on the surface. Now its just fun because of the fact that your helping an enemy who captured one of your own. Now this is cool but the coolest part besides the end is when you first meet Colossus in this game.

The Brotherhood has attacked a Nuclear Power Plant destroying the reactor. The only thing that is preventing catastrophic failure is Colossus who is holding the reactor up by himself. Now if one man holding a nuclear reactor in up in it's place so it does not blow up killing many people isn't awesome then I am afraid that people don't know what awesome is.

So now for the gameplay and well it's simple. The controls are simple and fun to use. There were enough combos and powers to keep the combat from getting boring. Battling Brotherhood members are fun and very satisfying. When you first fight the Sentenles are epic and actually scary when they land on the ground knowing that your in for a heck of a fight.

You can also do Danger Room missions which are more training exercises but they are still fun. Also the Danger Room also leads to a mutliplayer mode where you can play as a large majority of characters from the game including ones you can't control in the game itself. Let me tell you Killing GURSO Solders as a Sentenal is very satisfying. This is fun and easy to get into and play. Now if I were going to put this in my list it might have made the nine or ten spot but it would not have beaten No More Heroes maybe Rise of the Imperfects but that would be close.

Now X-men Legends had a sequel which was a fun but the story wasn't as straight forward and didn't make as much sense to me as the first one. However this one did have more characters.

In this game the X-Men and the Brotherhood team up to defeat the most powerful mutant alive named Apocalypse. So this lets you play as members of the Brotherhood as well as the X-men but sadly not a large number of them. You can play as Magenito, Scarlet Witch, Toad, and Jugernaught (sp). Now they could have had cooler Brotherhood members as well like Pyro, Sabertooth, Mystique, and Avalanche (sp). Those would have been cool characters that would have been awesome to use. However they do add two awesome characters like Iron Man (who doesn't seem to fit in since he is not anything close to a mutant) and Deadpool.

Yes Deadpool on of my favorite comic book characters is in this game. He will confront you trying to kill you to save Apocalypse the trouble. Now after you beat the game once you will unlock Deadpool in all of his awesome glory. If you have Deadpool with you when you face Deadpool in the game they will have a conversation about how one thinks the other looks familiar to the other wondering where they have meet each other.

Now if you don't know Deadpool then find out about him now. I don't mean by the X-men Origins Wolverine Movie. That movie ruined Deadpool (Even though Ryan Renyolds did do a great job as Wade Wilson but when he was turned into Deadpool the movie decided to ruin it.) Like I said Deadpool is one of my favorite comic book characters. He is an insane Mercenary who is heavily armed and doesn't need a reason to use it. He is funny constantly spouting one liners and breaking the 4th wall (which is what divides the story form the reade. The act of interacting with the audience or reader would be breaking the 4th wall). Keep an eye out for Marvel vs Capcom 3 for more Deadpool awesomeness. So that is X-Men Legends the game that didn't make the list but did not because I did not know where to place it. Now I will have more Honorable Mentions coming up so stay tuned.

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