Now this game is a new game for me, I bought it once for the computer but my computer was being a pain and wouldn't play it with out glitching so eventually I stopped playing it. It wasn't until I bought an Xbox 360 when I bought this game again and got to sit down and play it.
So what did I think well I was blown away the level design the size of the universe the alien races (I think the hanhar or how ever you spell there names looked the coolest.) This game was just fun and I can only find like two things that I thought was strange but neither of them really bad because I am sure one could be easily explained. Now our story follow Commander Shepard (you give him/her a first name but it doesn't matter no one calls you it). You were sent on a mission to Edan Prime when you discover that it is under attack. So you have to try to help, you are joined by a Specter which is a person who is given power by the galactic council to do what needs to be done to get the job done no matter what.
The team was sent in to find a piece of technology that belonged to a race called the Prothiens who vanished many years ago. It seems your enemy are a mechanical race called the Geth who are searching for the Beacon (the discovered technology). During your investigation the Specter splits off from the group and goes on a head but is shot and killed by another Specter who is leading the attack. After fighting your way through the Geth you will eventually find the beacon and after saving a team mate named Ashley Williams (she will be important later) you are effected by the beacon giving you visions you really can't understand but you know its bad.
This leads you to the Citadel where you have to prove Seren (the big bad alien specter) is evil to the council and well they don't believe you. So you have to find proof. Now the Citadel is awesome, its so big and there are so many aliens its just cool. Eventually you find the proof of Seren being evil and his Specter status is revoked and you are then made a Specter to go after and stop Seren.
You are sent to different planets so find clues and people to help you and some planets are cool others are kind of boring but either way it is fun the problem is that the Mako your rover tank thing is hard to control but its cool. Now you will meet some cool creatures along the way. However things happen as you make them so I won't get into it to much. The combat in this game is fun the weapons are cool I mean I had a shot gun that had ammo that make people melt now if that isn't awesome then you are strange.
The story is a lot of fun and actually connects emotionally. It makes you make some very tough choices but I can't spoil them I will say work on your charm and intimidate skills they will pay off. Now as I said earlier there were two things that were strange but to say they were bad for the game would be really nit picky.
The one thing is there is a lot of dialog in this game which isn't bad I like talking to people in games sometimes you will get cool information or just something unexpected (Half Life 2 "Sometimes I dream about cheese. Kotor series anything that has to do with HK47) talking with people can get strange results and give you points and things. The one other thing that is strange is how all the aliens speak the same language and its English its not bad just odd thats all. Now I don't have much to say on this game because unlike every other game on this list I have only beaten it once but I feel in love with it so it deserves to be here. Even though there are two other games I could put into this spot and I will get to them in my honorable mentions section for games that didn't make the list but should have (left them out because I would have a mass of games in one position so I didn't put them in or just plain forgot)
I loved Mass Effect it was so big and easy to get into the story was great the action was fun and the righting was good. So yes Mass Effect easily made the list.
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