"So who is our first Feeb on the list of losers. Lets see ummmmmmm number ten The Green Lantern.........(Looks like the Wombat is going to owe me more money for this pile of bile.) So I really have to talk about this evil evil man. This jerk who is trying to steal my Actor. (He was me first HAL) Ryan was the only man to ever be inside of m........let me rephrase that. He was the only man who has ever played me. (That was a close one hehe oh wait they can read this........PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE THOUGHTS IN THE PARENTHIES.) OAKY WAIT.....thats better sorry left the caps on. (Didn't want you inter-losers...inter-jerks....inter-web heads yea that one is better to cry because Uncle Wade was yelling at you.) Anyhoo I am supposed to talk about him as a hero or something stupid like that."
"Now wait a second there are like thirty five thousand Green Lanterns which one am I doing again........Talking about...(What is with all of these bad word choices.) Ohhh John Stewart. Cool I love that Comedian. I didn't know he was a Green Lantern (Why isn't the movie about him? Or could he just play Hal Jordan instead of Ryan.) So the host of the Daily Show is a Green Lantern does that mean Stephen Colbert is the Flash??? (in that case why does he have Captan America's Shield.....also that would make an awesome comic book.) Okay back to business John Stewart is the Green Lantern and he is on this list so lets talk about the loser I guess."
"John Stewart is a successful comedian and talk show host. He works for Comedy Central (I should get a job there.) He interviews politicians, authors, actors, actresses and other people of interest. He is one of those smart people and has some good ideas about politics. In his spare time he is a galactic police officer know as a Green Lantern (What a dumb name by the way.) He is a former Marine and an architect who was selected by the Guardians to join the Green Lantern Corps. (The word corps makes me want to shoot something) Stewart was trained to be the back up for Hal Jordan (I would back that guy up with a shot to the head)"
"Stewart Then joined the Justice League actually he was one of the founding member. (Where does he find the time between taping the Daily Show.) He even formed a little bit of a relationship with Hawk Girl (It has to be those sexy wings) but it ended when her people invaded earth and she turned out to be giving her people Earth Secrets (Naughty sexy winged lady) Yea ummmmmmm she did a naughty thing betraying the Earthicans. Well we kicked the Hawk peoples butt and John started dating some Super Model going by Vixen (Stupid DC getting all the Super Models. Ok I guess Syrian and Vanessa are pretty darn Sexy as well as Typhoid Mary (Ok she would rather go kill me then anything but when I really can't die its not that bad.) It does seem that Stewart has feelings for the Winged one. That kid in the future that was his and hawk girls son but that doesn't matter right?"
"So that is all I have to say about John Stewart the Green Lantern. Talk show host, comedian, architect, and former Marine. So I guess the guy isn't all that bad I might not have to kill this Green Lantern if he is really one of my favorite comedians. Well those are My Thoughts On the Green Lantern. Well this is your new best friend Deadpool saying that you better keep reading these or I will find you.
Ok this is Andy here I had to read Deadpool's work before it was posted. The Daily Show's John Stewart is not the Green Lantern's John Stewart. Ok just making sure people knew this ok bye.
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