Rummage through my stuff

Friday, September 3, 2010

The Legend of Zelda Files: Wizrobe follow up

"Hello and welcome to this special edition of the Legend of Zelda files. As you my remember from our last installment we talked to a Mr. Wizrobe who mentioned a conspiracy to keep Link's evil actions covered up. That interview lead to Mr. Wizrobe being murdered in cold blood by a hooded figure wearing all brown. This lead to an attack on our station and the murder of my predecessor Andy Balbac. However the news was able to get out and I am here to replace Mr. Balbac. I am Andy Balbac 2.0 and you are watching the Legend of Zelda Files."

"Today we will be following up last weeks interview with some investigative reporting we will also be trying to find out who this cloaked attacker. For this we have hired a bounty hunter a people call a Dark Nut (Twilight Princess version.) Mr. Nut you have agreed to help us find our killer."

Mr. Nut: "Yes I will be. I have a team of professionals who will be helping me find and destroy this attacker. This is Fang a fellow Dark Nut (Wind Waker version.) He is skilled at tracking using his dog like head also gives him heightened senses. Then we have our enforcer The Iron Knuckle."

Iron Knuckle: "grrrrunt"

Andy: "Why you sure are a big boy aren't you?"


Mr. Nut: "If you want to keep living I think you should avoid trying to talk to him."

Andy: "I think I will take that advice Mr. Nut. So what will happen when you catch this person?"

Mr. Nut: "Well we will try to capture him but if we can't capture him then we will kill the person"

Andy: "Oh really well I do wish you luck in your quest to find this villain."

Mr. Nut: "Thank you Andy. Lets move out team."


Andy: "Well there you have it folks this killer will be tracked down and he will be caught. As for you Killer I would run because these guys are going to find you and you really better hope that the Iron Knuckle don't catch you. I think he could knock your head off with one swing."

"Since this article was posted we found out that they did run into this killer but sadly he managed to get away. Sadly Fang was injured in the fight but he will make a recovery. We do not know if or when they will catch this monster. We will keep you updated for what happens. So join us next time for a new Legend of Zelda Files."

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