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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best and Worst Movies of 2010 part 2

Last night I posted the first part of best and worst movies of 2010.  Now these movies were more like my favorite and my least favorite movies.  Also I should add that I am not a movie critic and I don't have the great insight into the world of movies.  I am just an opinionated guy who thinks people actually care about what I think.  So anyway I for this one I am going to talk about my second favorite movie of 2010.


Most people who know me know I love this movie and who could blame me.  Okay somepeople might disagree and say this isn't that good of a movie but I say SHUT UP STUPID!!!!  Now that I got that out of the way I am going to break down why I love this movie.  Its almost the opposite of why I hated Predators the movie had great characters, great story, and amazing action sequences. 

Its time to start talking characters and of course we should start with the main character Dave Lizwski or Kick-Ass.  Now why did I like Dave?  It is because I could relate to him.  He was a comic geek who loves super heroes and actually wants to become one.  Now I know that sounds kind of dumb but I have always wanted to have super powers.  Like every normal teenager he makes a super hero outfit and goes out to fight crime.  This ends about as well as you think and he gets very much hurt giving him nerve damage that allows him to not feel pain and makes Kick-Ass work.  However like any random super hero with out any super powers he sucks.  So Kick-Ass is like every awkward teen wanting to be special and in love with a girl who is way out of his league.  

We just met our hero so now let us look at the Villain who goes by the name of Frank D'Amico.  He is one of the most realistic villains ever he isn't trying to take over the world (OF COURSE) Frank is just a drug lord.  That is it something that real people do and yea he is evil in a normal way.  I also think he is played excellently by Mark Strong.

Now there are two other great characters that really made this movie Hit Girl and Big Daddy.  These two or trained killers who are experts at what they do.  The biggest catch is that Hit Girl is an 11 year old girl.  She is the most unrealistic character in the movie but also the most entertaining.  You see this young girl kicking grown men across a room.  Is it really possible no but is it awesome yes.  As for Big Daddy he is a former cop who knows how to kill and will do it very awesomely.  Now Big Daddy was played by Nicolas Cage in probably one of his best performances.

As far as the story goes I mentioned the jist of it already.  Teenager becomes a super hero and gets in the way of the Frank which causes Mr. D'Amico to get really really mad.  As Big Daddy and Hit Girl plans to take Frank down so they can have some revenge.  Which I think flows nicely into the action sequences which I have to saw are awesome to the power of awesome.  The fight scenes with Hit Girl and Big Daddy are incredible as well as incredibly violent.  Which all boils down to a terrifying torture sequence which sends a pissed off Hit Girl after Frank with the help of Kick-Ass.  The battle that follows is so much fun and exciting that I love it.  It also ends in the most satisfying deaths in history.  

So in a nutshell that is Kick-Ass in all of its violent glory.  The amazing characters that are played perfectly.  The story is great and so is the action sequences.  So that is my second favorite movie of 2010.  Now join me next time for the my least favorite movie of 2010. 

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