Rummage through my stuff

Friday, December 31, 2010

Best and Worst Movies of 2010 part 1

Okay everyone seems to be making lists about the best and the worst movies of the year.  Now I am not going to make some long list just four movies. The two best and the two worst.  So let me beguine by saying that I can be pretty picky when it comes to movies that I like and don't like.  I will pick movies apart making them worse then they really are.  So I will not only list the movies but I will also explain why I either like or dislike it.  ok so lets start with the second worst movie.

Second Worst: Pr editors.

Now this wasn't a terrible movie but it was no where near good for me.  It had a bad story, terrible characters,  it was filled with the worst action movie cliches, and Adrian Brody.  I mean this was one of the most predictable movies I have ever seen.  It seemed the only cliche it didn't have was the black guy didn't die first.  Instead it was a Mexican guy to die first.  It had the crazy survivor, the predictable order of how people died, and even a samurai showdown (which was awesome but still cliched)

Now about the characters I can't even express how much I hated the majority of them.  There were two characters that I actually liked but for all of the wrong reasons.  The first was the Yakuza member, and the on;y reason I like him was because he didn't talk for most of the movie.  I think in the whole movie he might have talked for 2 to 3 minutes.  The other character was Topher Grace.  I didn't give a crap abiut his character I just liked him because I like Topher Grace.  His character isn't anything special its just him thats it.  However the worst character other then  Adrian Brody was this inmate who I sware was written to be the most despicable character ever.  He actually has a conversation about when he gets out of this he is going to go back and "Rape some Bitches."  I wish I was lying or trying to make some bad joke but honestly he says that and I hate him so much for it.  

So the story is just bad.  I don't mean its terrible but its just your run of the mill action movie story.  Nothing new nothing cool and nothing interesting.  Just bland blandness that I did not like at all.  Enough about the story though I want to talk about the worse part of the movie Adrian Brody.  I mean wow what a boring actor.  He is not cool he is not tough he is just a bland actor being miss casted as an action hero.  I don't know who in there right mind thought this scrawny guy with a huge nose would make a good action hero that could hold a flame to the Govenator is beyond me.  All I know is that I hated this movie and it has a lot to do with Adrian Brody.  

Now this movie wasn't terrible it just wasn't for me.  If you are a fan of the Pr editor series then I think you will like this.  However if you are not a fan then avoid it especially if you are like me and small things bug the crap out of you then this movie might not be for you.  So this was my second least favorite movie of 2010.  I should have the other three movies on my last posted in the next couple days.  I was going to do it all tonight but its already pretty late and I am tired you can just suck it BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! 

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