Well its finally time to tell you my favorite movie for 2010 I have been kind of slow getting this one up seeing as it should have been up on like Tuesday So Im not going to drag this out any more the best movie of 2010 is obviously not one that anyone saw coming that no one knew I liked thats right its Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. I am sure you are all shocked I will give you a little bit of time to get over such a big shock...................OK TIME OVER!!!!!!!!!
Scott Pilgrim vs The World:
Well to be honest I think this movie was designed for me to like it. How couldn't I like this movie comic book styling, video game references, and the fight scenes. How do I talk about this movie with out spoiling to much. Ummm well I will talk about the basic story. So lets start with the typical boy meets girl and its love at first sight well at least for Scott it is. However there is a catch he has to defeat 6 evil ex-boyfriends and one evil ex-girlfriend. He also has to worry about his band the awesomely named Sex Bob Oms as the enter the battle of the bands. Which this leads us into the fight scenes so meet me in the next paragraph.
What made the fight scenes so awesome? I would have to say all of the over flowing awesomeness they have. What you want me to be more descriptive fine you needy Jack Wagons. The greatest things about the fight scenes is how stylish they are. All the colors and the special effects mixed with the awesome action. The fight scenes look like video games like Street Fighter or other games like that. Plus there is climax to the fights which are usually really funny and well awesome....did I mention awesome if not then AWESOME.
Awesome awesome awesome aweso......Sorry about that my head had a glitch. Video Game references and comic book styling were pretty big factors in this movie. Now what do I mean by this? Well through out the movie they have plenty of video game music and sound effects which for someone like me is very entertaining. This really made me happy seeing as a bunch of them for Legend of Zelda games which is my favorite video game franchise in case you somehow don't know. As for the comic book styling well the stylishness of the whole movie. It also was pretty impressive with how it made sounds visual. What I mean by this is there was worded sound effects like fwoosh and things like that. It is also colors coming off of instruments and and D's coming off the bass which sounds small but really looked cool.
I think the acting was also pretty good. The characters were played well and made realistic well as realistic as this movie can be. I know there are complaints that the characters were ass holes but thats just how people are. Yes Knives got the shaft in the movie but she was mature enough to get over it and be ok with it. As for the evil EXs they were awesome so very very very awesome.
Now I could talk about this movie and I would never do it justice. So if you haven't seen it yet please do for me. See this movie for the loveable kid with the broken legs you know you love. It would make me happy pretty pretty please. Oh and on a final note to end this movie review in the best way ever I will say this AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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