Rummage through my stuff

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Best and Worst Movies of 2010 part 3 and a half

I started a list of my favorite and least favorite movies of 2010 and I gave you my second worst and second favorite movies (Predators and Kick-Ass).  It is time for my least favorite movie of the year.  However after I figured that the worst movie of the year was Legion my friend Jerod reminded me of Avatar the Last Air Bender (which sadly sucked).  So I am going to talk about both movies.  So without further ado here are the worst movies of the year.

    Lets get into Legion a generic action movie that sucked in biblical proportions.  Now I am not going to go into to much detail on this movie but I will address its problems by starting with the story.  Now I have to say with a few tweaks this movie wouldn't be that bad.  The story as it stands has God sending angles to kill everyone on earth.  You see our main characters holding up in a diner.  The female lead is going to have a baby soon and for some reason that baby is going to save the world or some BS.  So yea it sucks but I can fix it with two changes.  Change God to Satan and Angle to Demon.  Look a crappy movie now makes more sense.  Now I know it wouldnt have won any awards but it wouldn't be total crap.  Now I do have to say it wasn't a bad action movie but with the addition of religion it made it a lot worse.  Okay enough about Legion lets talk about a tightly coiled pile of whatsit my dog leaves on the carpet.

Avatar The Last Airbender:
    My friends and I paid money to see a movie in 3D that I had been personally looked forward to.  However when the movie started we were forced to witness a movie that should have been awesome except for one name M. Night Shyamalan.  He took an amazing cartoon show and pulled down his pants and took a huge dump on it.  What I am getting at is the movie was shit. 
    So how was to story you may ask.  It was rushed and confusing I would answer.  Trying to cram an entire book of this epic cartoon into about 2 hours was impossible and stupid.  What about the acting?  Well you fancy pants cutie muffin the actors tried hard but came out wooden and boring and they couldn't pronounce anything right.  It sounds like your being nit picky.  I respond to this by saying SHUT YOUR FACE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!   How was the 3D you ask in a scard voice still shaken from me yelling at you?  3D.....3D HAHAHAHA the 3D sucked so bad that you didn't even notice it.  I will say the fighting was cool and the inclusion of Aasif Mandvi was awesome (I love the Daily Show). 
    Even though this movie sucked so badly I don't want you to look down on the cartoon.  Avatar the Last Airbender was well animated, well written, and was filled with awesome action and acting.  It never took itself to seriously but when it had to it was serious.  However it was a ton of fun to watch and I wish it was on tv more. 
    So those are my least favorite movies of 2010.  They suck so very badly like a tornado that was crapped on.  So one pointer of each movie.
#1: No more God destroying the world unless its the Noah story. 
#2:  No M. Night Shyamalan stay away from thing I enjoy.  Make Cooked Carrots the Movie or something.  Okay well I ranted enough bye 

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